
Welcome everyone, this is Amanda Kee speaking (ha ha). I currently reside in Sunny Singapore. I enjoy outdoor activities such as cycling and swimming and someday hope to complete a full marathon. I have attained my Diploma in Business Studies from Ngee Ann Polytechnic and am currently pursuing my degree in Marketing (science) in the University of Southampton, SIM.

Category: Topic 4

Some things are better left unsaid

The different ethical issues faced are countless and I’m glad I came across some posts that talked about issues that I overlooked.


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For example, Yi Shin had a unique point of talking about ethical issues practiced by some companies. It is true that one’s social media platform does not entirely determine one’s capabilities in his specialised field. However, we have to remember that companies have tons of applicants to review and it is only normal they eliminate those who are unattractive at first glance to save time. I then cite a post by one of our seniors Evelina where she wrote how negative words and comments are not worth losing a job over or in worst-case scenarios, ruining a bright future you had ahead of you. If you feel like whatever you would like to contribute to the cyber world isn’t anything positive or beneficial, then some things are better left unsaid, or in this case, unpublished.

After reading Stephanie’s post, I now have a greater understanding as to why clearance (background checks) is so important when it comes to recruiting. Companies will not take the gamble of bringing in potential problematic employees. Damages done to the company’s reputation will incur a huge cost and this means they have to start from the bottom to gain customer’s trust all over again. After all, as said by Wei Jie in his recent post, offensive online posts churns higher viewership and response as compared to positive ones. Following with what he said on his blog about unethical marketing, it is truly amazing that Kenneth Cole Productions had gained more followers and customers after such behaviour. To me, they got lucky this time and it is such a gamble for the company to risk their image to gain publicity using unethical methods.

Playing by the rules have never been hard, and if everyone plays their part to do what is right, we can all stay out of each other’s ways instead of stepping on one another’s toes. In most situations, we should stop to think whom are the people we may offend and whom we might hurt along the way with our actions.


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I’ve also shared my views on Stephanie’s and Yi Shin’s blog posts


 Lim, E. (2014, December 5). Social Media At Work: Lets Think Before We Post. Retrieved November 10, 2015, from

Beyond The Law. (2015, November 8). Retrieved November 10, 2015, from

Ang, W. (2015, November 9). Believe you can and you’re halfway there. –Theodore Roosevelt. Retrieved November 10, 2015, from

Lim, S. (2015, November 9). Topic 4 : When employees can’t control themselves. Retrieved November 10, 2015, from

.logo.filled .inner, .logo:hover .inner { opacity: 1; fill: Url(#rollover); }. (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2015, from

Animated Meme: Big Bang Theory: Sheldon Gifs. (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2015.

Dear emotionally unstable me in the future,


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Dear emotionally unstable me in the future,

I am writing this letter to you to remind and warn you, that the internet is a tricky place, don’t be rash! You think it is a safe place for self expression, but let me tell you, everything you do or say on the internet can be used against you.

I know that people are constantly finding opportunities to “shine” on the internet, to say something without thinking of the consequences, and only focus on “how many likes will this photo get?” or “will this hit 100 retweets?”.

One of the risky conundrums is the grey line between freedom of speech and abuse (The guardian, 2014). People often see the internet as a value-free zone (Barun Roy, 2009) and proceed on to write whatever their heart desires. It is in human nature to act rashly when they are emotionally unstable, sprawling their anger and sadness all over social media. It doesn’t get any easier when we are the generation that practically lives on these social media platforms.

In a book by Barun Roy, he talked about the application of off-line laws to the on-line world. It does not mean that now, with our physical bodies hidden away behind a screen, we can do and behave however we like. We do not invent a new set of values for the internet (Barun Roy, 2009) but we bring respect and ethical behaviors along with us.


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In the heat of the moment, you may find expressing your anger or disgust online, an “acceptable” thing to do. After all, you’re just venting your anger right? Well, let me show you how just a simple click of the button can rob you away of your job and cause you humiliation around the world.


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Karen Fitzgibbons, a fourth-grade teacher, made a racist comment on her Facebook account about an event. The insensitivity of her remarks and letting her emotions get the best of her, caused her to lose her job as an educator and made her infamous around the world. No company would want to be associated with someone who behaves like that, especially a school where kids look up to you.

On her post, she wrote:

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Her response:

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I end this letter by saying, you are not only representing yourself when you are online, but the company you are working for. Whatever is said on the internet, literally, stays on the internet, forever. So when you are emotionally unstable or having a bad day at work, stay away from the internet… and sharp objects.


Present you.


(2014, January 24). Retrieved November 7, 2015, from

Roy, B. (2009). Enter the world of mass media: Print media, television, internet, radio. Delhi: Pustak Mahal.

Klein, R. (2015, June 11). Texas Teacher Fired After Disturbingly Racist Post In Response To Pool Party Incident. Retrieved November 9, 2015, from

Anwar, M. (n.d.). Bustle. Retrieved November 9, 2015, from

Evelina lim. (n.d.). Retrieved November 9, 2015, from

Enter the World of Mass Media Paperback – January 30, 2010. (n.d.). Retrieved November 9, 2015, from

Can you find me? (n.d.). Retrieved November 9, 2015, from

Woman’s Facebook Post Goes Viral After She Slams Grocery Checker’s Obnoxious Period Joke. (2015, August 6). Retrieved November 9, 2015, from